We maintain great enthusiasm and unremitting pursuit of new technologies, and through nearly 10 years of technological accumulation and continuous solving of extreme challenges, we have become one of the leading manufacturers of special materials in the industry. We provide customers with comprehensive metal material solutions through the platform of Panxing Research Institute and more than 50 R&D cooperation units.

We founded the Metallab brand (www.metallab.cn) to share the R&D resources of the Panxing Research Institute to help the development of the industry.

System standard Testing Center Quality team Quality report
Testing Center

Panxing Testing Center has the industry-leading full-process testing capabilities for material composition, performance, structure and part size, and can independently, quickly and accurately complete the process of material research and development, powder product development, amorphous alloy product development, and alloy parts production. and provide testing services to customers around the world.

Test standard
GB∕T 1480-2012 金属粉末 干筛分法测定粒度 Details
GB∕T 4698.2-2011 海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法铁量的测定 Details
GB∕T 4698.8-2017 海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法铝量的测定 Details
GB∕T 4698.7-2011 海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法氧量、氮量的测定 Details
GB∕T 4698.12-2017 海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法钒量的测定 Details
GB∕T 4698.15-2011 海绵钛、钛及钛合金化学分析方法氢量的测定 Details
GB∕T 14265-2017 金属材料中氢、氧、氮、碳和硫分析方法通则 Details
GB∕T 19077-2016 粒度分布 激光衍射法 Details
GBT 228.1-2010 金属材料 拉伸试验 第1部分:室温试验方法 Details
GBT 1479.1-2011 金属粉末 松装密度的测定 第1部分 漏斗法 Details
GBT 1482-2010 金属粉末 流动性的测定 标准漏斗法(霍尔流速计) Details
GBT 5314-2011 粉末冶金用粉末 取样方法 Details
GBT 23942-2009 化学试剂 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法通则 Details
Test standard
We have SEM/ICP/DSC/ONH/direct reading spectroscopy/fluorescence spectrometer, etc.and is able to complete all key inspection projects on our own.